....you're thinking, "Maureen, where have you been?"...or something along that line, right? Well, I'll tell you, I've been dealing with trying to deal with migraines along with other odd ailments and working on orders, trying to keep ahead of the weeds in the gardens, etc.
It's not all going my way...*sigh*
We gave up our two shows for this year, forfeited fees already paid as I just cannot add anything else, my stress level is up there.
I'm not sad about it....at all.
We will have a Fall Open House weekend at our shop Columbus Day weekend. If you are in the area, or feel like taking a lil drive....or a LONNNNG drive, be sure to stop in and see me!
In the meantime, I am working on a new design too. I'm going to be selling off some extra doll bodies, some doll dresses and other supplies soon. I just have wayyy too much stuff and not enough time.
My loss can be someone else's gain!
That's right, we're having a sale.
Buy 2 patterns - Get 1 free.
Buy 4 patterns - Get 2 free.
Buy 6 patterns - Get 3 free.
.....and on and on and on, as many as you want to buy.
Free patterns will be the patterns of the lowest value.
Free shipping is NOT included with the sale, sorry.
Simply visit my picturetrail site and then email your order to me
along with your payment preference.
Just click here: www.picturetrail.com/sweetmeadowsfarm
Sale ends Saturday, July 23, 2011.
Enough said.